March 29, 2008

Random thoughts....

Boredom seeps out of every vein
Monotony of life has become such a pain

Drudgery of this existence is not worth being borne
For no reason can justify an existence so drone

Why face the misery day after day,I wonder
When I have a chance to end this all and face a new awakening

Is it utter despair hindering my sane neural
Or a flickering hope playing the haunting music of benign

With no assurance of a better tomorrow
What if today happens to be the best ever 'yesterday'...

March 19, 2008

Summer Love

Breeze so balmy and slow
Evening Sky with a tint of crimson glow.
Nightingales with their musical glory
Singing some age old story
I think of you, my summer love
Your warmth, your serene touch

The ice-candies, the blue marbles
And the 'Chandamama' fables
Scurrying mangoes down the farm
Pretending to race the bird swarm
I think of you, my summer love
Your warmth, your serene touch

It has been years since I told this mold
But something so-special can never be kept fold
Emotions unknown arise
Like an arctic sunrise
I think of you, my summer love
Your warmth, your serene touch

March 15, 2008

The "ONE"....

Someday I will forget the pain
The memories and the emotional drain

The moments I spent thinking of you
The time I spent wishing you were here
All would be forgotten and erased

How much I want to tell you
How much more I need you to tell me
But ,time will wipe out these wants and needs

An abrupt end to something so beautiful is never just
But no reason could hold life from moving on with gust

Regret, I have none
For nothing more ,I could have done

Fate, or destiny you can call it any
But I have nothing more in life which is sunny

I know we are the same people we were
The circumstances same as, they always were

Yet the tide turned, I do not know why
All I know is, my heart has gone wry

Survivor I have, been forever
But a fighter you have been, never

How I wish for once, you could listen to your heart and reason
And fight back for what we held on with passion

But you chose your way, and I had to too
And why our lives got estranged, I do not know

But embarking on a journey new
And with eyes misty-dew

All I know is, you would always be the one for me
And nothing would ever change this for me

December 15, 2007

Swan Song

Dissapointments one after other,swarm my life and make it tatter.
No weedling can make it calm,for melancholy has struck like a speeding tram

Awakening to such gloom every morning
Makes me wonder why endure this swan song like mourning

For what all do i mourn about...?Lack of peace or ever growing discord..!
I know not what is it that i can do,for nothing makes these noises to lose their chord

The noises of pain and gloom engulf like flames from the incinerating devil`s soul
Apocalypse also spells end to the suffering of an era,yet this seems to have no doom

Do i give up on hope all together, i wonder,from this deep chasm
Yet,the faint flicker of benign haunts me to hold on..

Hold on to this,for nothing is permanent ,not even this uncertaininty,nor this downfall
While i rage this battle within my soul,yet another day passes on..

November 25, 2007

No name yet....

Wandering mind,I can tame thou not;
From entangling in a fuzzy knot

Mercurial nimbleness,you possess;
Making no conclusion ever surface

Bursts of thought quasarize then and now;
Yet,none stabilize to provide the much needed glow

I wish there was dormancy for a while;
So i could decide to run which mile

I wonder,how will I ever decide
Which way I want to change the course of tide

November 24, 2007

Endless wait...???

Why does your absence ring in a void?
Though I know there is no hope but just an empty drought
Daring my mind to not process the thought
I try to catch the momentary happiness ,now just a fading spot

To keep the sanity in my head
I try everything to raise happiness from being dead
When it’s a certainty that we may no longer meet
Respite I still have not, from this growing greed
For seeds of optimism grow at an unrealistic speed

Bobs of pendulum is this minds nature
For fluctuation from utter despair to faith-in-faith, is as easy as my confusion’s growing stature..

Not a decision I expect to take
But a hint not-so-subtle would definitely be great
Endless wait I do not want to wait
But ,"what if it is worth it?" , Has become unlikely bait.

July 21, 2007

A rainy saturday evening....

Cloudy skies -gloomy as they could be;
Making life ,seem more miserable, then it actually is..

A poet ,i am not,
Yet words tumble out of my head at speed of light..
Making a rythm in their own right

Making the situation ,more complex is the thunder storm with all it`s might
Reminding me how dreadful is the lonely night..

If only i had wings of flight
To rescue me from this plight..
And soar high into a sky so bright..

July 18, 2007

Sunny Daffodil

I am resurfacing again on the blog scene after a long hiatus( almost a year now)..So here goes my poetic rants on the all things briight and sunny as well as dark and gloomy.